Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Credits for the songs on my demo

This demo was recorded by Liam and James at Chaplin's in the Spring of 2008.

1) Miss Delicious - this is an original song from 2007.
2) Ace of Spades - I put the blues into this classic Motorhead song.
3) Cannonball Joe - this is an original song from 2007.
4) You've got to Belong to it - I put the blues into the great Pantera song.
5) Dirt Floor - this is a song by the late great Chris Whitley.
6) The Man with the Blue Guitar - originally a Wallace Stevens poem, I put his words to music,
and created my favorite original song!
7) Marina - this is an original song from 2008.
8) I Simply Walk - this song was a collaboration with Tara Cannon... her words - my music!
9) Sweet Louise - this is an original song from 2008.
10) Sara - this is an original song from 2007.
11) At the Beginning of Every Day - this is a song written by Chris Bruni.
12) File that Thing Away - Originally a poem by John Kendric Bangs, I put his words to music.
13) Free Bird - by Lynyrd Skynyrd.
14) Comfortably Numb - by Pink Floyd.